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Ceramist > Volume 21(3); 2018 > Article
Ceramist 2018;21(3):204-215.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.31613/ceramist.2018.21.3.05    Published online September 30, 2018.
In Vitro and Cell Imaging-Based Analysis of Protease Activity Using Nanoparticles
Gae Baik Kim, Young-Pil Kim
Department of Life Science, Hanyang University
나노입자를 활용한 In vitro 및 세포이미징 기반 단백질분해 효소활성 분석법
김계백, 김영필
한양대학교 생명과학과
Proteases are one of the most abundant classes of enzymes in living organisms and have been considered major targets for drug development. However, despite the ability to specifically cleave their substrates, many attempts to assay protease activity have generally relied upon the use of gel zymography or fluorophore-labeled peptide substrates, which is limited in rapid and multiplex analysis. Here we review the recent advances in nanoparticle (NP)-utilized assays of protease activity focused on in vitro and cell imaging-based approaches. Owing to large surface area and unprecedented physical properties of NPs, these approaches are anticipated to facilitate many applications related to protease activity-based disease diagnosis and drug discovery.
Key Words: nanoparticle, protease, enzyme activity, cell imaging

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